Delhi government run by Aam Admi Party AAP led By Sri Arvind Kejriwal Chief Minister has announced that from Ist of January 2016, car with odd and even numbers will run on alternate day to reduce pollution level in Delhi and to comply court direction given to control pollution. It is easy to announce any policy but it is very difficult to execute it. India is famous for best planning and worst execution. In case of AAP , even planning is full of inadequacies and deficiencies. On emotional ground one can say that at least AAP has taken a step , but It proves very costly when it is as good as suicidal step.
AAP is trying to increase perhaps business of Tempo drivers. When plying of private cars will be monitored, people will have to hire tempos to reach their office and factories or buy a second car if they can afford it. It will increase tempo fares, private taxis, Ola like cab service providers , and sale of cars, It will increase the work load on police which could otherwise be used to keep traffic control or in helping people in trouble as they help in USA and other developed countries. The said policy of odd and even cars will affect the output of various employees in offices and affect medical care to a worst extent.
Further, It is known to all that pollution is caused more by tempos, trucks, buses, two wheelers dust on road, non cleaning of road, garbage on road, emission of waste from factories ,non-disposal of waste and so on. Car produces minimum pollution . Further government has not yet developed proper infrastructure to help affected people and office goers. AAP will fail to ensure its compliance. And lastly even-odd system proposed by AAP will waste huge working hours of employees and hamper office work and create more confusion and more chaos. Policy may appear to be good but not at all practically fit for execution particularly in country like India where even proper traffic system is not developed, where proper infrastructure is not developed, where proper parking system is not introduced and most important is that where law-compliance is minimum at all levels.
Best executive first create an idea, then make a tentative draft plan, discuss pros and cons, frame policy, again discuss , think ways of execution of plan, remove constraints, then announce final policy. But AAP first announced policy without any study and now they have initiated reverse process and they will start a process how to finally discard the idea already announced with a strategy to divert the minds of their opponents who were protesting unreasonable hike in salary of MLAs in Delhi.
AAP got success in putting full stop on all debates which started against their 400% hike in salary and allowances. Agenda now shifted to odd-even formula. This is called clever politics
Anyway , it their innovative idea get success in controlling pollution in Delhi , it will be really a miracle and people of Delhi will be obliged to Delhi Government. But I of strong opinion, government could do better control by banning smoke emitting all vehicles and all factories, could do better by cleaning road frequently everyday, by removing all garbage from all roads and streets, by providing toilet facilities in every nook and corners, by providing proper parking facilities, by forcing vehicles moving on roads in lines and not trying to overtake others. And so on.
If government makes all road dust free, pollution will be reduced to fifty percent.
Similarly old vehicles emitting fumes may be removed. Old Tempo and buses are major pollution creators.
Traffic system may be strengthened. Proper and adequate parking place may be provided on roads and in apartments.
Roads may be divided in four to eight segments for smooth passage of all vehicles. Encroachment of roads by traders on both sides of road may be stopped or controlled and monitored.
All factories emitting bad chemicals may be suitability advised. Government may provide adequate places for pollution making factories far away from towns and residential areas.
All hotels and shops emitting bad smoke may be suitably helped to stop it. Adequate supply of LPG may be ensured to avoid use of coal and other fuels.
All homes, all shops and thelewalas who throw their garbage on road should be cleaned and removed from road twice or thrice in a day. Proper system for disposal of garbage or recycling of garbage may be developed outside borders of towns . At least a truck load of garbage is created when a marriage ceremony or a public function takes place , but there is no system of disposal of garbage. Public rallies takes places , but temporary toilets or waste boxes are not provided which results in accumulation and then stinking of garbage and then polluting of air increases .
All roads should be cleaned twice or thrice a day. Proper system for this in partnership with private and public bodies have to be developed.
Residents of Delhi or any other town have to be trained for this purpose from grass root level.
Proper education system has to be created. Children have to be trained in this line. Family members have to be taught to cooperate in creating environment pollution free.
Comprehensive policy has to be framed in consultation with all departments. State governments have to work in tune with central government and central government has to frame policies in consultation with concerned state governments without biased approach or without any prejudices . Mutual mud slinging by various political parties has to be stopped.
And so on.....
If Manpower, volunteers, police force and the most important is energy of government used in execution of odd and even plan may be used to do above mentioned tasks, there is no doubt to me that pollution will be reduced by 95 percent.
Congress government in the name of reformation built pressure on all banks to sanction loan for buying car at low rate and quickly. They did not plan for its adverse affect on environment. This is why number of vehicles have increased hundred times in last ten years in not only in Delhi , but in all towns and even villages. Pollution has become threat to not only Delhites but to all Indians , specially living in metros and big cities.
Even today all banks are running from pillar to Post to increase their loan portfolio in car finance. Proportionately road did not improve and neither government tried their best to make it possible . Public transport system has to be developed to minimise use of private vehicles.
It is absolutely an impractical idea and unjustified approach for a government that government will first induce persons to buy a car and make finance liberal for this purpose and then force car owners not to use all the days. It is liberal policies of government and bank that allows rise in purchase in numbers of cars , tempos and two wheelers and then it is not at all a wise proposition that government will ban them or restrict them using the same. Government may restrict manufacturing of cars and restrict banks doing liberal finance to buy a car or two wheelers and at the same time provide alternative public transport system which is comfortable, cheap and timely available.
Congress Government led UPA government gave free hand to builders but did not frame policy to regulate them and to force them to build proper parking system , proper garbage disposal system and proper cleanliness on road while undertaking work of construction. This is why number of apartments constructed during last ten decades are in thousands in all towns and cities but it is they who are contributing a lot in blocking of road, in creating loads of building materials on roads and in parking of vehicles on unauthorised places.
Delhi government also came to senses only after court direction. Even now, many big towns like Kolkata, Mumbai and even small towns like Ranchi and Dhanbad are great victim of pollution.
Public transportation system deteriorated during last two decades in all towns and it is a bitter truth that government of almost all states remained silent spectator of deteriorating situation . If all governments work without plan and without future vision , pollution has to increase. No power on earth can clean environment unless and until we develop proper and adequate system for it and ensure its hundred percent compliance.
Mr. Narendra Modi , Prime Minister of India also ask for cleanliness, for construction of adequate toilets in all towns and villages and also making effort for developing a system of cleaning at all level. Not only public but government has also to develop system to ensure it. Central Government has been consistently doing work for last 20 months to develop proper culture all over the country for ensuring cleanliness and for making environment pollution free.
A culture has to be inculcated from grass root level. Central Government is slowly moving in this direction. All state governments have to work honestly in this direction. All Indians have to cooperate government to ensure clean air available for all inhabitants . Dirty culture created during seven decades of misrule cannot be washed away or changed overnight or in a year or two. Gradual progress and improvement is however visible in efforts made by Modi government to ensure cleanliness.
Modi government cannot say that one has to go toilet only on odd days or even days and they cannot ask people to cook only once in a weak or eat food thrice in a day.
Factories cannot be closed but properly managed. Families cannot be asked to close their home for a day or two. Schools and colleges cannot be closed to ensure cleanliness or to ensure compliance of odd-even plan.
One may see how clean environment is working successfully in USA, UK, Dubai ,Singapore and even in a vast country like China. Thousands of car pass through a road in an hour in USA , but no dust is created, no horn is used by car drivers and still there is no traffic jam on any road, Vehicle owners have to comply rules and police have to ensure compliance, There s no second option. Similarly resident of USA have to use all rules made for keeping cleanliness in homes, road and all public or private places. Politicians in other countries do not interfere in working of police or of other government departments as it happens in India.
Odd even formula has to flop. People cannot be asked to stop their usual activities, shops and factories cannot be closed. It is duty of government to develop system and ensure its complete compliance. Mere crying loudly on roads may malign Modi or police, but Kejriwal cannot succeed in cleaning system or in reducing pollution level for good and for ever. Kejriwal has to first learn to work in tune with existing system and improve it slowly and gradually.
1 comment:
For all failures, all shortcomings and for all mismanagement and mishandling by Kejriwal and AAP government in Delhi, Kejriwal attacks Modi and BJP. His Ministers and party colleagues who have been sent to jail for criminal offenses are also due to Modi.
Kejriwal says that all Officers and all police officers ,all are agent of BJP or B-Team of BJP.He says Congress party is Lso B-Team of BJP. He used to Blame all Ministers of UPA when Congress party was in power.
Now Congress Party has become good for Kejriwal. And all Ministers in BJP led government are Corrupt in his opinion. In opinion of clever Kejriwal, For all good work credit should go to Kejriwal and for all bad happenings, blame goes to Modi.
Only God may save Modi from bad wishes of his opponents. I may simply quote an old proverb for Mr Kejriwal, "bad carpenter quarrels with his tools"
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