Mr Taslimuddin, who represents Bihar's Araria constituency in the Lok Sabha, said there was indeed "jungle raj" in the state and crime is increasing like never before. Taslimuddin is a prominent and effective leader of Lalu's party RJD (Rashtriya Janta Dal ). he says that Nitish Kumar present Chief Minister of Bihar , head of Mahagathbandhan is not fit for the post of mukhiya (village body head). In his view , Nitish has been looting Bihar in the name of development.
Mr Taslimuddin had demanded the resignation of Mr Kumar for his failure to maintain law and order in the state. Mr. lalu Yadav , supremo of RJD is trying to control damage by serving notice to Mr. Taslimuddin seeking explanation for making repeated statement against the alliance and against Mr. Nitish.
Though it is too early to predict downfall of Nitish government and breaking of Mahagathbandhan in Bihar which was created during last assembly election to ensure defeat of Mr. Modi and BJP, it can however be safely said that it is the beginning of end of Mahagathbandhan and replacement of Nitish Kumar by son of Mr. LaluYadav as Head of Bihar government.
It is undoubtedly a lesson for Congress Party which sacrificed its prestigious position in national political scene only to defeat Mr. Narendra Modi and BJP in Bihar. This party will have to reassert its position and break ties with maligned leader like Lalu Yadav, Karunanidhi and Kejriwal. It will have to kep distance from RJD, DMK, CPM , AAP and similar other small parties. Congress Party in fact lost its ground by alligning itself with small regional parties just to serve temporary purpose of keeping BJP out of power.
Nitish also alligned with his enemy and his hard core opponent Mr. Lalu Yadav only to satisfy his ego and his whimsical and capricious idea of keeping distance with Mr. Narendra Modi. Nitish lost his senses and became mad to capture power. He thiought it wise to allign with his strong critic Lalu to whom he abused for decades than to support Modi as candidate for PM.
Nitish used to abuse Lalu and used to criticise jangalraj and lawlessness of Bihar when Lalu Yadav was in power. Nitish joined hands with BJP only to remove Lalu Yadav . He remained in power in partnership with BJP for a decade.. He used to abuse leaders of Congress Party when he was part of Janta party and when entire Non-Congress Party leaders were critic of distatorial rule of Indira Gandh. He used to speak in tune with Mr. Arvind Kejriwal when Team Anna started movement against corruption ridden Congress Party .
But when Nitish started dreaming of PM's post, he broke alliance with BJP in Bihar. And as soon as he broke friendship with BJP , he started facing sharp erosion in his popularity and he lost hope of winning election alone . Nitish is now considered as opportunist and ambitious of power.
Nitish became so much ambitious for the post of Prime Minister of India and to ensure his utopian idea becoming a reality , he joined hands with his age old enemy like Lalu Yadav and Rahul Gandhi represending RJD and Congress Party sacrificing all his image of a person of principles and ideals. Nitish was a person who was considered a man of principles and man of ethics. But soon he was tagged with " greedy of power" and his image slowly and gradually getting maligned with already ruined image of Lalu Yadav.
Political career of Mr. Lalu Yadav which was totally ruined again started shining as soon as his party came to power due to his alliance with Nitish and JDU. Lalu, clever head of Jungleraj soon became hero and kingmaker.
Now after six months in power together with Nitish, Lalu has regained his power, and he will leave no stone unturned to give power to his son. There is no doubt to me that sooner of the later Mr. Nitish will also realise his blunder of breaking friendship with a principled party like BJP and another blunder of joining hands with Lalu , a totally unprincipled person .
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