Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Reminider To Open Letter To IT Minister

I like to submit this third complain on PMO site regarding non-working or disconnection of my telephone line without any valid reason. Telephone is not working for last five months. Speed and stability of Broadband is pathetic and appears to run fully as "Bhagwan Bharose"

My complain dated 6 Fab 2016  was submitted on PMO site and which is acknowledged by PMO site with following number.

Your Grievance has been registered vide Registration number PMOPG-E-2016-0041434 .Please quote the same in your future correspondance.

I submit below copy of complain dated 6th Fab 2016
I have lodged online complain through mobile phone several times during last two months and more . Everytime a SMS is sent to my address that complain has been lodged and the matter will be taken care of b a person specified. Next day they will sen another SMS that your complain has been resolved. Complain number informed to me on SMS are 13360614733 dated 20 November 2015 then subsequent numbers are 13361752052 133966966322 13415448012 1339669622 1415448012 13479404242 13497133312 1527898032 .

Will you please inquire whether anyone visited my residence to rectify and repair the defect or simply the resolved the complain unilaterally in their office only?

Next  complain On PMO site  is acknowledged as under
Your Registration Number is : PMOPG/E/2016/0101982

It is easy to construct a portal for receiving public grievances but it is very difficult to act on it and ensure redressal of grievances received on the portal.Similarly it is easy and appears soothing to ear when we know that government or any department has established a Customer Care Cell to look into grievances of consumers but it hurts when it yields no result.

Now I  request you to look into the matter and try to understand why your system of public grievance redressal does not function properly. Submission of complain and acceptance of it online through a portal  is very easy but to ensure its compliance and actual redressal  is little bit difficult.
This site says in the beginning "Interact with Prime Minister" . but in fact the matters containing suggestions are not perhaps accepted and hence ignored .However , when complain is specific, it may be entertained till it is redressed to the satisfaction of complainer.
Your Registration Number is : PMOPG/E/2016/0148871

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