Altogether 1,400 primary teachers have resigned from service in Bihar fearing government action over possession of fake educational degrees. The resignations follow the Patna high court directive to the state government on Monday last week to ask the school teachers having fake or invalid certificates to resign within a week of the public notice to be published within two days. Many more teachers are expected to resign fearing recovery of salary and penal action.
Hearing a PIL, the court had also observed that teachers who continued in service with fake certificates even after the deadline shall be liable to punishment and recovery of the salary paid to them. If similar PIL is filed against such recruitment in other departments like banks, police, railways, state government services and other departments , I think thousands of fraudulently recruited staff will either resigning at their own or face penal action along with recovery of paid salary. But the question is who will bell the cat?
But it is certain that exposure of topper scam in Bihar and Resignation of 1400 teachers are adequate to say what has been going on in the state of Bihar for years and decades. Every year hundreds of teachers are recruited on fake degrees and many are recruited in various offices and companies based on such fake degrees. At least now at the instance of court,1400 teachers have resigned . Thousands and lacs of fake degree holders are still in various departments including banks, rather they get quicker promotion because they know the art of impressing members participating in promotion processes and that in interview panel.
Not only in Bihar, in other states too, business of fake degree is flourishing by leaps and bounds. Even medical colleges, engineering colleges and MBA colleges are selling degrees taking lacs of rupees from students in various forms,.
In india, management of Schools and colleges do not focus on teaching and on quality of education but on passing all with 95% marks so that more and more students get attracted in their fold. Parents also do not assess quality of knowledge of their wards but focus on marks they get in annual results, they do not bother marks are obtained honestly or secured by fraud.
It is difficult and cumbersome task for a government to control crime in a state . Police officials earn more by patronising criminals than by catching them. As such they think it wise not to lodge any FIR and always try to settle the dispute after taking illegal money in lieu of ignoring and aquitting criminal. In addition to it, there is added advantage to police. If police does not lodge any FIR, such states are called crime free even if hundreds of crime takes place every minute. Police officers are awarded , promoted and given choice posting.
Similarly schools and colleges get rankings on the basis of their results. That is why ,school management think it wise to pass all students giving excellent marks . In this way , teeaching staff get opportunity to earn illegal money, image of schools get brightened and finally state government takes credit for excellent result. People play the game of fraud and manipulation using power of muscles and that of money.
Money has power to manage everything, getting a job and then getting promotion and incentives too, similar to selling of top ranks in Bihar. One can get choice posting if he is ready to spend money as per demand from his superior in every departments. Even public sector banks are also inflicted with same contactious disease.
During last six decades of Congress party rule, all posts from top to bottom were sold in Market. Post of ED and CMD were sold , then CMD in PSU used to sell lower posts and so on.
Bihar state has constituted a SIT to inquire how students managed top ranks in school exams. If SIT is allowed to unearth all fake degrees and all manipulated copies, marks and results , I have no doubt lacs of passed students will be found fail and sent to jail. If SIT is constituted in all PSU banks to look into quality of recruitment and that of promotions and transfers, I think lacs of staff will caught on wrong side .
In Jharkhand state also, results announced in last fortnight has proved that teaching quality in schools is too poor to expect good results. On the other side, schools imparting education based on ICSE and CBSE syllabus are giving all students more than 90% marks without giving ensuring that the students possess actual knowledge equivalent to marks. But who cares for such pathetic situation?
Volume of bad debts in each PSU bank is increasing year after year only because incompetent staff are posted on top posts whereas competent are fighting for their survival.
There is usually solid unity among such inefficient and fraudulently elevated staff . They say in one voice that bad debts are due to economic recession, high interest rate of global slowdown. Bankers also think it wise and safer to conceal bad debts than to identify them and start recovery process.
Same culture is prevalent in each department. It is easy and comfortable to treat all patients and critically ill persons as healthy so that necessaity of treatment is avoided.
Read news published in The Hindu
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