Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Beware of Divisive Forces, We Are Indians First

This refers to what Rahul Gandhi President of Indian National Congress spoke in Behrain during his visit to attend a conference. 

Rahul Gandhi reportedly  said, “I am here to tell you what you mean to our country, that you’re important, to tell you there is a serious problem at home, to tell you that you’re part of the solution and that I am here to build a bridge between wherever you are in the world and home.” He accused the government of dividing people on the basis of caste and religion and said it was channeling the fear of jobless young people into “hatred between communities”.

It is painful that  Rahul Gandhi has gone Behrain  to tell  foreign country heads  that India is weak , government is bad and there is no scope for growth. He is campaigning against our country. He is trying to defame India and Indians .

 Is there any other country in the world whose leader of opposition party goes abroad to criticise his own country government?

I have seen no leader of opposition from foreign country coming to campaign in India and tell Indians that their government is not good. 

What Rahul Gandhi is doing is clear cut marketing against the interest of Indian and India. He is maligning good image created by our PM Mr Modi and his team. If this type of marketing against the interest of India is allowed to continue , there is no doubt that probable investors will stop or go slow in investing in India and thus jeopardise our growth potential. 

I think this is a bad signal for democracy .It is just misuse of freedom of speech . No other country will allow such anti-India campaign. It is directly a hit on democracy. If government curtails such freedom or take against such  persons who speaks against Indian Interest in foreign country , it will be considered as Talibani act or dictatorial act. 

It is only India where a person or even a Chief Minister can abuse Prime Minister , Head of our  country.

There is instances of foreign dignitaries other than from ruling party coming to India for making fresh effort to resolve the inter country , bilateral or multi lateral issues . But it is never seen opponent of ruling party going abroad to seek sympathy for them and for spreading hatredness for his country government .

 There is a code of conduct even for companies . They cannot advertise their product by criticising  or telling negative features directly about products of other company.  

So far as a party is concerned, there is no fun in campaigning in foreign countries because voters are only within India.  

Obviously Head of Congress Party has gone abroad to seek their support in removal of government ruling our country. They may even  take support of China or Pakistan in disturbing internal peace to malign present government. This is clearly a warning signal for the government and specially for people of India who like to vote Congress Party. ( Read information posted below in Hindi to substantiate this apprehension).

Anti national forces and foreign forces which do not like development of India have always been trying to divide this country on caste and communal lines and then rule over us. Our society is shrinking  day by day due to caste and communal conflicts. As such we should take along us all caste and all communities . After all we all are Indians. In Hindi , we can say we all are Hindustani. Due to such avoidable conflicts, development work is hampered . 

Rahul Gandhi speaks on foreign land that present government is dividing community but when in India  , he talks of minority or dalits or Muslim or upper caste or lower  caste which ultimately divides our society. As such What Rahul is preaching on foreign land he should  follow the same in true sense while in India instead of speaking lie to foreigners  .  

It is important  to mention here that Narendra Modi never talked of any caste or community in any of his speech  anytime in his political career.. It is always  other persons who inject their poisonous ideas in society in the name of Modi.  Journalists  in particular mostly talk in caste or communal words and carry out hot debates on national tv channels.

We Indians  have yo be beware of such evil persons who are bent upon creating  divisions among us to rule over us. Political leaders may have ambitions to capture power and earn wealth.  Bùt we as a citizen love our country and have to be always alert from such divisive forces.

देशविरोधी षड्यंत्रों से सावधान रहें ( collected from Facebook)

हाल ही की निम्नलिखित प्रमुख घटनाओं पर ध्यान दीजिए-

1. कांग्रेस नेता मणि शंकर ऐय्यार द्वारा गुप्त रूप से पाकिस्तान जाकर वहाँ के नेताओं से मोदी जी को हटाने के लिए मदद माँगना।

2. डोकलाम के विवाद के बीच कांग्रेस उपाध्यक्ष राहुल गाँधी द्वारा चीन के दूतावास की गुप्त यात्रा करना। भेद खुल जाने पर पहले झूठ बोलना, फिर प्रमाण सामने आने पर स्वीकार करना।

3.  देशभर में जातिवादी, साम्प्रदायिक और देशद्रोहितापूर्ण भावनायें भड़काकर दंगे कराने की कोशिश करना।

4. गुजरात के चुनावों से ठीक पहले अहमदाबाद के सबसे बडे पादरी द्वारा चुनावों में राष्ट्रवादियों को हराने की खुली अपील करना। 

5. गुजरात के चुनावों के बीच कांग्रेस सहित कई विरोधी दलों के प्रमुख नेताओं की पाकिस्तानी राजदूत के साथ गुप्त बैठक होना। भेद खुल जाने पर बेशर्मी से स्वीकार करना।

6. आतंकवाद समर्थकों, नक्सलियों, साम्प्रदायिक नेताओं, जातिवादी नेताओं, देशद्रोहियों आदि को एक साथ एक मंच पर लाकर महाराष्ट्र में जातिवादी दंगे फैलाना। 

7. राहुल गाँधी की बहरीन यात्रा, जहाँ दाऊद की कम्पनी का हैडऑफिस दुबई से शिफ़्ट हुआ है। उसी दिन पाकिस्तान के दो जनरलों का वहाँ पहुँचना। 

साम्प्रदायिक और जातीय दंगे फैलाना, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था को चौपट करने की कोशिश करना और राष्ट्रवादी शक्तियों को बदनाम करना इनके षड्यंत्र के मुख्य अंग हैं। कोई आश्चर्य नहीं होगा यदि देश को जल्दी ही असंतोष और दंगों की आग में झोंक दिया जाये। 

ऐसी विषम परिस्थिति में हम Indians को और भी अधिक सावधान तथा एकजुट रहने की आवश्यकता है, ताकि इन षड्यंत्रों को विफल करके मोदी जी के हाथ मज़बूत किये जा सकें। इसमें कोई भी चूक हमारे देश, धर्म और संस्कृति के लिए विनाशकारी होगी। 

अन्त में, मैं डॉ इक़बाल की इन दो पंक्तियों के साथ अपनी बात समाप्त करता हूँ, जो यहाँ पूरी तरह लागू हो रही हैं-

वतन की फ़िक्र कर नादां मुसीबत आने वाली है।
तेरी बरबादियों के मशविरे हैं आसमानों में॥

— विजय कुमार सिंघल
पौष कृ ८, सं २०७४ वि (९ जनवरी २०१८)

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