Friday, January 12, 2018

Four Judges Cannot Damage Democracy

Mr Subramanium Swamy has rightly said that we can't criticize them, they are men of great integrity & have sacrificed a lot of their legal career, where they could've made money as senior counsels. We must respect them. PM must ensure that the 4 judges & CJI, in fact whole SC come to one opinion & proceed further.

But I am unable to understand how a senior judge like Justice J Chelameswar say  "The four of us are convinced that unless this institution is preserved and it maintains its equanimity, democracy will not survive in this country," . I am unable to understand  why these four judges formed a separate group out of 25 judges and why did they think it better to tell their point in press conference instead of making an appeal to President  of India  or to PM of this country. It is ridiculous  that people approach judges of supreme  court for ultimate  justice whereas these four judges  approach people's court for getting justice. There may be dome mischievous  goal behind such unusual posture of four judges.

 In my opinion  Indian Democracy is not so much weak  that four short sighted judges  or a few evil minded journalists or a few selfish politicians or a few anti national element or a few foreigners can shake our democratic castle or uproot it or damage it or can do any harm to its beauty . It is India,not Pakistan. 

Indira Gandhi tried to abolish or rape democracy by imposing emergency and by imposing 42nd amendment of Constitution using its dictatorial power acquired by dint of clear majority in the then Parliament. But she, called as Iron Lady too was taught a good lesson by voters  of India and there is no doubt in it that Congress  party has been facing the consequences of evil acts of its mischievous leaders committed more than four decades ago by whimsical Indira Gandhi and by her successors in that party. 

Congress party stands now almost eliminated from entire country only due to its misuse of powers. As such it will be an exaggeration to say that democracy will be in danger by act of aforesaid four judges.

Congress president Rahul Gandhi says that allegations of irregularities within the Supreme Court made by four senior judges at a press conference  were "important" to addressed . He said  that it was "deeply perturbed" over the charges made by the judges and the same should be investigated by highest authority.

In my view Mr Rahul Gandhi  should clarify who will investigate  the charges levelled by four judges. He should say which authority  is higher than supreme  court. He should not try to search political gain in all matters. It is fortunate or by mistake that RG did not put allegation on BJP or RSS or on Mr. Modi. It is unfortunate that Rahul is using today's event of four judges to highlight so called killing of Justice Mr. Loya who died due to health issue more than three years ago.

I finally request all political leaders and specially media men not to make mountain of mole hill by raising issue raised by four judges disproportionately and not to tarnish the image of Supreme Court and Indian judiciary to score their self goal. Indian system is strong enough to deal with these petty cases and I think it will be better to leave the fate of these four judges on Supreme Court itself . In case of need , if at all it arises, then President of India in consultation with Government of India can take corrective action.

If common men or government  officials or even elected representatives speak against court order , case of contempt of court may be lodged  agsinst them. Now when judges of apex court  are speaking against order of CJI, who will file a case of contempt of  court against these judges .
Who will handle such case?

1 comment:

Danendra Jain said...

Two of the four senior-most Supreme Court judges who virtually revolted against CJI Dipak Misra over "selective" case allocation and certain judicial orders, today said that “there is no Constitutional crisis”. 

The two judges -- Justice Kurian Joseph and Justice Ranjan Gogoi, also rejected suggestions that the four of them had violated discipline by addressing the media.

Here it is important to note that judges who had said yesterday that entire democracy is in danger are saying today that there is no crisis. Just imagine what will happen to judicial process when one of them become Çhief justice of India just after six months.

God bless them that at least they have realised the meaning of what they did yesterday , may be after watching devastating debate talking place in every corner of the country in condemnation of press conference conducted by four judges.

Serious questions now arises in minds of common men about the conspiracy they had yesterday in their mind, about the person behind them and about their U_Turn in 24 hours.

God bless RG and congress party who were targeting government and finding a way yo do dirty politics even in matters which should be above politics in the interest of the country.

Lastly it is proved that Indian democracy is far stronger than what four judges and their supporters thought of it.